
Anaϊs Nin

Day seventeen of our daily readings from “Dear Los Angeles,” a collection of letters and diary entries from 1542 to 2018, while all of us quarantine in 2020.

Today’s entry from 1957 is from author Anaϊs Nin, who was best known for her ground-breaking erotica. She led a fascinating life balancing two husbands, keeping them secret from each other, one in New York and one in Los Angeles (in addition to many other lovers).

We love you, Los Angeles!

Anaϊs Nin at her home in Silver Lake

Anaϊs Nin at her home in Silver Lake

Anaϊs lived in a glass house overlooking Silver Lake that she referred to as her 'house of mirrors.' The house was built by Eric Lloyd Wright, the grandson of Frank Lloyd Wright. She lived there from 1962 until her death in 1977. The house, at 2335 …

Anaϊs lived in a glass house overlooking Silver Lake that she referred to as her 'house of mirrors.' The house was built by Eric Lloyd Wright, the grandson of Frank Lloyd Wright. She lived there from 1962 until her death in 1977. The house, at 2335 Hidalgo Ave, is registered as LA Historic-Cultural Monument No. 892.

quotes by Anaϊs nin

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.

Jewel’s “Morning Song” which references Anaϊs Nin and her lover Henry Miller